Wow, haven't the last two weeks flown?
Since my last post we have had Works do, Chris' birthday, Christmas, stay at John and Ann's and a New Year. It wasn't as quiet as we thought it was going to be and, as usual, we didn't get done half of what we wanted to do. Never mind, we did enjoy the break though.
A few weeks ago, I bought a fish tank from the car boot sale. Chris had the lid and lights for his birthday and also a book about "Setting up an aquarium". After Christmas we went to a pet shop and bought the gravel, which took the two of us all evening to clean up and rinse through.

Last Friday we got the plants and 12 little baby goldfish and set it all up. We sat down and enjoyed the display as Rumpleteazer entertained us greatly with her curiosity. She was absolutely determined to get to the fish, one way or another. It took several days before she gave up, but it didn't half amuse us.

The works do at China Gardens was a great success; I had a fab time. Christmas Day was quiet but enjoyable. We had loads of present, some funny ones, some more serious ones, but they were all excellent, thanks to all our family and friends.
Boxing Day we went to John and Ann's and we had a wonderful time. Andy and Amy came as well as Mum and Margaret so we all played games until midnight. Chris and I had been invited to stop over, so there was no drinking and driving to worry about. Great Thanks!
Last Saturday we went to Lee and Pod's with Barb and Bill. Pod's mum, auntie Bet and John and Jimmy also came and another smashing time was had by all.
New Year's Eve we had planned to go on top of the hill again, as usual, but this year there were weather warnings and gales, so we gave it a miss and watched the celebrations in Sydney on TV. Sadly, most of the famous celebrations, such like Edinburgh and Glasgow, were cancelled due to the weather, but there were still some grand fireworks in London.