26 February 2008
What is wrong with the formatting???
So, eventually, I got the idea to cut it myself, using the clippers that I use on Chris. Our biggest guard thing is size 4 so I thought that should be okay for the top and then I would have to use size 2 for the back and sides as size 3 is broken.
I was a little nervous when I started but thought, what the heck, whatever happens it will grow back. I started with the size 2 and shaved all the sides and what I could reach of the back. It wasn't looking too bad at all at this stage since I hadn't touched the top at all.
Chris came back and I hid behind my bedroom door and asked if I could borrow his baseball cap. "Why" did he reply. I said "I just want to borrow it, isn't that okay?" He must have been thinking that something was odd at this stage. "Why do you want to borrow it, what have you done?" he said and barged the door open.
I put on a winter hat and felt rather foolish going in to Longton to get myself a baseball cap, wearing it when there was no snow or frost about. I managed to get a brand new, genuine Puma hat for 50p, with the authentication label still intact. What a bargain.
Later on I met Helen and she immediately wanted to know why I was wearing a hat. However, when I said my head felt cold, she seemed to accept it okay. However, later on in the evening she suddenly snatched the hat of my head. She was pleasantly surprised and shouted "Oh, I like it, it suits you" I could tell that she really meant it. She said "You don't need to hide it from me, I think it looks great".
By now, I'm actually getting used to it, and I am feeling quite pleased that I was brave enough to try it. So if anyone else has thought of doing something like this. I would say go for it. You might surprise yourself.

21 February 2008
Anyway, I eventually got seen by my favorite doctor. I asked her if I could have a test for Alchimers (no idea how to spell it) or something like that. She asked me about my circumstances at home and at work and said that she thought it was most unlikely to be anything serious.
Apparently I am stressed. It doesn't really surprise me at all, as I have been thinking that myself at times. She gave me some tablets, which I haven't even looked at yet, and told me to stay off work for a couple of weeks.
Since I also happened to have an old problem with my wrist as well, she put that on the sick note. She thought it was better than admitting stress. I really don't think my boss would have minded as she already knows about the situation at home.
The rest of yesterday, I stayed in bed all day even though I didn't get much sleep. At least I was keeping my wrist warm and relaxed. Maybe it will get better soon.
Today I will put another heat wrap on my wrist and walk in to Longton. I'm sure the exercise and fresh air won't do me any harm and I have been meaning to make an appointment with optician for a while. This is a perfect opportunity to do it.
18 February 2008
I own a bank!
Chancellor Alistair Darling will put forward emergency legislation in Parliament to nationalise Northern Rock, with a Commons statement due later.
Mr Darling defended the decision to nationalise Northern Rock, saying the move offered the best value for taxpayers' money.
There was mixed reaction to the Government's announcement that Northern Rock is to be nationalised.
The decision was welcomed by John McFall, chairman of the Treasury Select Committee, who said the Government had "explored every avenue".
"At the end of the day the biggest issue is the safeguarding of taxpayers' money. If nationalisation saves that money, that has to be the correct step in the long term," he said.
Nationalisation is "not the right answer" for Northern Rock, Sir Richard Branson said.
The head of the failed bid by Virgin for the beleaguered bank said the group had tried its best to save "Northern Rock and the jobs of the staff".
In a statement, Sir Richard said: "We have tried our best to save the Northern Rock and the jobs of the staff.
"We put all the resources of Virgin's senior management team on this for five months and we believe had a very strong proposal, an experienced team and one of Britain's best brands.
"We believe nationalisation is not the right answer and that a commercial solution would have been the best way forward."We wish the Rock and its staff the best of luck with the future," he added.
Until Sunday, Virgin Group was widely seen as the front-runner in the battle to secure troubled Northern Rock.
"Now the taxpayer will bear the full risk of lending £100 billion of mortgages in an uncertain housing market".
Oh, well, we'll have to see what happens
13 February 2008
Looked at a couple of houses
Yesterday we decided to go and have a look at some of them (only from the outside) to determine what I could have for my money. I was horrified when I saw the first one; a terraced house in Shelton. It wasn't the cheapest property as it was approximately £400 per month, but it was hideous. I felt really defleted. There was absolutely nowhere to park and the whole street looked a complete dump.
We then proceeded to another terraced house in Hanley. The house looked okay and although there was still no driveway; it did seem to have plenty of room for parking in the street. I thought it might be walking distance from work but it wasn't really close enough.
I decided to forget that one and move on to the cheapest property on the list; a three bedroomed semi in Abbey Hulton. In the eigties Abbey used to have a reputation for being a bad area but over the years a lot of the council houses have been bought by the tenants and the area has improved enough for me to want to have a look.
The first house in Abbey Hulton was £350 per month and seemed great from the outside. I could see that it had a consevatory built on and the front garden looked quite neat and so did the windows. It captured my interest enough to ring the Estate Agents and make an appointment to view it.
The appointment was at one o'clock today. We got there first and shortly after the agent turned up along with a load of other prospects. To my disappointment the place was hideous on the inside. It was mingingly dirty and the floors had badly fitted and badly marked laminates which I hate. The bathroom had no shower and was shockingly pink. The kitchen had a really weird layout and extremely plain and dreadful. I thoroughly hated the place and could never see myself living there.
Lucky for us, the guy had made an appointment to go and look at the other house in the Abbey. I rejected that one yesterday because I thought that I would be paying nearly hundred pounds a month more for just a driveway.
We tagged along and had a look at that one and wow....what a difference. The bedrooms were a bit smaller but otherwise that place was fantastic. There was a greenhouse as well as a shed. The bathroom was upstairs and had a champagne coloured suite with a shower. The kitchen was large and modern with plenty of space for a dishwasher, washing machine and tumbledryer. The cupboard doors were made to look like hardwood. The sink was a proper 1 + 1/2 bowl kitchen sink located in front of the window overlooking the garden. There was even a huge larder.
It's really sad that I'm not really in a position to be able to take it up yet but at least it gave me a good idea of what is available and what it will cost. I was already feeling sad that it's time to go home tomorrow but now I feel slightly worse.
08 February 2008
Washer has gone to heaven
I texted the sad news to Sioned and asked if we could do anything. After two weeks away, they are going to come back with a huge pile of washing. We thought that maybe they would like us to get a replacement, asap. However, the reply came back to say that they had not made their mind up what to do with it. I guess they will want to do it themselves.
We have been keeping the cats in for the rest of the week since it was getting so late before they would come back. Poor Jake was going mad trying to get to his girlfriend. He was jumping on the kitchen windowsill and knocking all the bottles off and crying by the back door. His girlfriend has been sitting outside the kitchen window every day. Aaaaw, Bless!
This morning we decided to let them out again as they were getting more and more restless. It doesn't bother Teazer at all as she loves being inside but the others just don't seem to like it.
I have really been spoilt now as the last couple of days I have been getting home made lunch as well as tea and today I have been schauffeur driven as well. No race to get out of the compound (the last person out has to shut and lock the gate) and no being stuck in traffic. How fantastic is that? I really shan't want to go home.
06 February 2008
Jake has a girlfriend!
I fed Teazer at her normal time around 6pm in the hopes that it would entice the other two to come in but it made no difference. There was no sight or sound from either of them. Must have found a good shelter somewhere, I thought.
It was not until a couple of hours later that I managed to get Dizzy in. She finally braved the rain and scurried in to the food bowl. After feeding she just calmly laid down on her sofa for a sleep with no care in the world. At that stage there were still no sign of Jake and we started to get quite worried about him.
It was very difficult to relax as during every commersial break on the telly one of us was up looking for him. Eventually, it was nearly midnight before he decided to show up. By then we had decided that we weren't letting them out again as it wasn't worth the hassle.
Yesterday, all the cats stayed in without any problems really. Teazer has taken a liking to their cat box (as supposed to her own) and spent most of the day sleeping in there. The other two slept on the sofa. Doesn't look that I'm ny closer at getting the photo yet.
Helen told me that, earlier in the day, there was a black and white cat sitting on the kitchen window sill. She looked as if she was waiting for the door to be opened. We believe that she must have been Jake's reason to stay out so late. His girlfriend!
Last night was a lot easier without having to keep getting up looking for cats. There was a nice tea ready for me again. This time it was stuffed peppers which we had with real mash, veggies and gravy and it was very yummy. On Monday night we had Biriani made with Turkey, King prawns and vegetables.
04 February 2008
Quiet Weekend
On saturday morning there was a thin sprinkling of snow on the cars and payments but not thick enough to cover the grass. Dizzy and Jake went out as normal but Teazer of course had to stay in which suited her fine. She hates going out anyway. We also stayed in all day as we didn't have any reason to go out. The TV was rubbish so we just finished the wine and did some reading.
Sunday was very uneventful apart from the fact that we kept trying to do some washing but the washer kept tripping the electrics. Sioned did warn me about this so we were aware that it might happen. It wasn't so bad in the daytime but after it got dark it was a right pain. We went to Tesco earlier and bought a take-away curry which only needed heating up in the gas oven but it was still a right nuisance when the electrics tripped. I was cutting up a salad and suddenly it would go pitch black and even the telly went off. How in earth do they put up with that? We decided not to do anymore washing at night.
Last night I was getting worried because I was struggling to get the cats in. Eventually Helen managed to get Dizzy in about half past eight but Jake didn't come in until bed time. This morning he was the first one wanting to go out as well. I wonder if he has found a second home or Helen suggested that he might have a girlfriend.
Even though I had a wonderful sleep last night, I still felt very tired this morning. I let my phone snooze a couple of times before putting the telly on for GMTV. I still fell asleep again which scared me a bit as I could have easily overslept.
I was late leaving the house and couldn't believe it when I saw the car was frozen all over. I got the de-icer out but realised pretty soon that it wouldn't work, so I had no choice but to go back in and get the kettle. There was a massive que waiting to turn right on to the main road but luckily most drivers were in a good mood and let us out quite quickly. I was still one of the first at work so the frost must have caught everyone else out as well.
01 February 2008
Two Weeks of Cat/House Sitting, Yeah!
Jake and Dizzy greeted me at the door and Teazer seemed at home straight away. It seems that I did the right thing bringing her to be introduced earlier. By the end of the fourtnight I'm hoping to get all three cats together on the sofa for a photo.
At lunch time I did the shopping online and had it delivered to us later today. I still had to go and get a few essentials for last nights tea. Couldn't make my mind up for ages, at first, but eventually I settled for Chunky oven chips and breaded cod steaks with mushy peas, mixed beans and carrots.
When I got back, the cats all ate their tea peacefully in their respective order. There was only a little hissing but nothing to worry about. The possibility of a photo is looking more promising. We had a very peaceful eveing ourselves; had our tea, watched Emmerdale and an early night.
The weather forecast for today is saying that we may be getting snow this afternoon, so watch this space.... There is no sign for it at the moment though as the sky is blue and the sun is shining. What a wonderful day in every way!