20 December 2006

First Frost

I woke up this morning and found frost on the windscreen. It wasn't much and it wasn't at all noticable anywhere else, but we are getting there. This mornings wheather forecast was predicting that we might have a couple of degrees frost for Christmas as well, so that would be nice. So far there has been no sign of any snow and it's not likely to come this year :-(

It has been a long, slow week and it's still only Wednesday! Another two full days at work before Christmas. I am so ready for a break!!!

On Monday we had our Christmas meal at work and the "secret santa" came and gave me a beautiful knitted set of hat, gloves and a scarf. My secret santa was Dave and the person who I needed to buy for was Gary. I bought him a T-shirt with a caricature figure of a Port Vale fan peeing on a Stoke fan. He was over the moon with that; said he has a mate who is a Stoke fan, so he shall enjoy winding the mate up with it.

All week we have been listening to Christmas CDs at work. The athmosphere has been lovely and everyone are excited. The house is looking very festive, as usual, but there hasn't been much effort done at work. I have a bit of tinsel around my monitor but nobody else has done anything.

21 November 2006

Joint Christmas Present

This year Chris and I decided to buy a joint Christmas present for each other. Last time we went camping, our gazebo got damaged by the wind. This was mainly due to the fact that it only was a cheap and flimsy thing in the first place; made of thin aluminium poles.
We have always wanted a proper steel gazebo, preferably a pop-up type but they are usually around £300. However, we did notice a while ago that they are being sold quite reasonably on eBay, so we thought that we could try to get one for less than Fifty (plus postage).
At last, this weekend we were lucky and managed to get one for £47.00 + £20 for postage. It arrived today, and it looks every bit as good as it seemed in the advert. It has 4 zipped sides, two plain green and two with windows. Judging by the weight it ought to be strong enough to withstand any normal windy night. Even the material seems stronger than our old one.

Here is a picture of Chris fine-tuning the old gazebo last summer. We always attach it to the tent to utilise the most of the space.

This is the picture of our new one as it was in the advert on eBay. We haven't put it up yet so we have no photos of our own yet.

19 November 2006

Christmas Lights switch on

It's that time of the year again! Yesterday was the big switch on of the lights in Hanley. Santa's parade arrived, complete with Rudolph and the other reindeers. Signal Radio was there recording the event live and a quire was singing Christmas songs.
The best of it all, though, was the snow machine. It squirted out real snow in big flakes. It looked fabulous; glowing in the street-lamp lights against the dark sky, just as if it was snowing for real.
Tontine Square and all the surrounding area was absolutely packed with people. The atmosphere was wonderful, almost like a good football match.
At half past seven the Lord Mayer got on stage and switched all the town centre Christmas lights on and immediately we were all excited.
This was the start of the late night shopping and Debenhams had a sale on and were going to be open until midnight. We were all promised free parking after 6.30 every night until New Years Eve.

31 October 2006

New Card - fingers crossed

Yes, I have finally managed to get all the relevant paperwork together to set up my new card. According to the logo on the Ryanair site, this card will be acceptable to them (hopefully!!!).
Just need to wait to get paid so that I can put some money in it and then I can get the tickets. It is really exciting, but I am still a bit concerned about it until I have actually tried it. Roll on payday.

12 October 2006

Autumn Blues

It seems sad that I only seem to get around to write here when I’m off sick. Yes, I’m off again, with flu this time. Actually, I think I’m on the mend as I have had it since Sunday. However, this morning I did go to work but only after a few hours I was sent home again. Apparently, I wasn’t well enough but I’m hoping another few hours will make the difference tomorrow.

Last weekend we went off-road driving, which was great. Sadly, It was our last camping trip of the year but the site that we stayed at was fabulous. It had a narrow gauge steam railway station on one side of the site and a beautiful brook on the other. We definitely want to go back there some time in the future. At least we seem to have a bit more space now that the camping stuff has gone back up the loft.

This time of the year can be so depressing. The nights are starting to draw in and we are having to have the heating on in the mornings. I had to move the olive trees in to the corner and wrap some plastic around them, because the temperatures can drop below 10 degrees at night. I’m hoping to be able to leave them there for a couple of months yet as I still have tomatoes growing in the conservatory.

Only a couple of weeks until the clocks change and then it will be dark when driving back at night, not a nice thought. Still it could be an opportunity to catch up with some of those jobs that don’t get done in summer, such as the decorating. I noticed the other day that some of it is looking a bit tatty.

There has been no further development with the card problem. Ryanair have apologised for the inconvenience, but as yet they have done nothing to solve the problem. I suppose that they don't really know what the problem is themselves and unless a lot of people complain, they don't want to go to the trouble of finding out either.

Anyway, Chris is hoping to get another card, so maybe that will work with Ryanair. The trouble is that they are short-staffed at his works so he is working 12hour shifts. The extra money is useful but it doesn't leave him any time for anything else.

A few days ago we went to a car boot sale and I spotted a Mamas and Papas pushchair for sale at a very low price, so I got it. It needs cleaning but I’m sure it would be great for when Sanna comes because of the styling it can be used both for a baby or for a toddler, so if she comes in the next couple of years, it will be one thing less to bring. I’m sure with 3 kids the car will be full enough.

Here are some photos of both settings. I am hoping that Sanna knows how to fasten the shopping bag, because I don’t.

18 September 2006

Pay Day

Never have i been waiting as long for pay day as i did this last month, but I think I might finally have recovered from the MOT fiasco, thank goodness. Now I can look forward to life returning back to normal again.
Even though the weather has been amazing, it is beginning to be noticable that we are coming up to that depressing time of the year again. It is already slightly darker in the house when I get home at night and it wont be long before the sun will have gone down by 5 and then before we know it, it's dark.
Never mind, on a brighter note we still have one more long camping weekend to look forward to at the end of the month. We have been invited by Landrover to take part in a half-day of off-road driving, so we decided to make a long weekend of it and go camping on Thursday to Sunday. It will more than likely to be the last time this year, so best to make the most of it.
Otherwise, life here has been quiet with nothing much to report. Chris is working overtime so he is working from 6 in the evening to 6 in the morning for 4 days in a row. My college work is getting there, slowly. I have done two assignments and working on the third. The cats are fine but still don't get on too well. The other night Teazer got her nose scratched but she didn't seem too bothered about it.
Can't think of anything else to write about. Good Night!

07 August 2006

Debit Card problems

Ever since I promised Tessa to buy the tickets to come and visit in October, I have been trying to think of a way that I can buy them. Ryanair will only accept payment over the internet but they won't accept Paypal. As I don't have a debit card nor a credit card, I thought I'll open a new account where I could get one. For this I chose HSBC bank and filled in all the necessary forms, etc.
They soon sent me a letter saying they needed more information such as a "certified" copy of my current bank statement. After debating about what "certified" meant, I decided that it was an original paper statement sent to me from the bank which I then had their signature put on. Obviously, this was not going to happen (neither certified nor otherwise) as i have opted not to receive paper statements for many years ago. They are just a waste of paper and put an uneccessary strain on trees. I explained this to HSBC bank but to no prevail. They are not interested in having me as their customer. Ce la vie, in the long run it's their loss, not mine.
However, I still haven't solved the problem of buying the airline tickets and hope that the plane doesn't fill up enough for the prices to go up, by the time I have come up with a solution.

05 August 2006

Stupid Japanese thrash!

My car is nearly 3 years old and therefore due its first MOT. I have known for a while that I need new tyres but since they were faulty I was hoping to convince Mitsubishi to give me something towards them but they wouldn't cooperate.

So, I decided to squeeze my purse and managed to scrape together enough money for two tyres and the MOT. I thought that I can always get the other two tyres in the next couple of months or so. It had completely got out of
my mind that of course, the tax was also due at this time. So, not only did I need to fork out £150 for tyres and MOT but I had to also find another £80 for the tax. Then I had the shock of a lifetime. Never in a million years did I expect a car that had done 12,000 miles to fail the MOT, but it did. Brake pads, hand brake, CV joint, etc meant that now I had to immediately find yet another £150 to get it through the MOT.

The nature of my job, of course, means that if I don't have a car; I don't work. So the only thing I could do is to try to borrow the money of someone, quickly and luckily Chris' mum leant it to me. Consequently, ever since then and up to next payday, we have been living on beans and rice. It is extremely fortunate that I give a lift to a neighbour's lad who also works in Hanley. He gives me £5 per week for petrol, so i have been able to go to work.

So much for buying a new car so that I don't have these unexpected, huge garage bills!!!!

29 July 2006

Heat Wave

Oh Dear, I had no idea that it had been so long since I'd written a blog. Ever since we got back from Mexico Britain has been hit by a seriously, major heatvawe. we have beaten the all time record of 36.6 degrees to a new record of 37 degrees Celsius.

Of course, we are all suffering with it as we are not at all used to that kind of temperatures, and here in Britain it is so humid. I heard on the news, the other day, that in Paris the temperatures reached 40 and it made me feel ashamed of complaining about our temperatures.

Anyway, i have been trying to remind folks that it is just as hot in Lebanon . . . . . . . what have we really got to complain about.

Anyway, what have I been up to since my birthday? Apart from work, work and more work we have been camping in Essex and we also went camping in Leek, last weekend. In the evenings we have been behaving rather sad as we have been going bed early with the airconditioning on. Neither Chris and I are as good with the heat as we thought we were (which proves that maybe we are not quite ready to move to Spain yet).

In the last couple of weeks we have been promised a good thunderstorm, however, so far this hasn't happened. Tonight it went so , so black that I was convinced it was coming. I brought both of the cats in since I didn't want them to wander off and get caught in it, but yet again , to my disappointment, nothing happened!

Looking back at the year, I get very worried and think: where has the time gone? It doesn't feel more than a few weeks since Sanna and Co were here, yet it's nearly Tova's birthday and it has gone over six months since that dreadful day when they were at the airport waitning to go home. I could never wish that on anybody, let alone a family with small kids.

Lee and Pod have gone to Thailand to meet Lee's sister, Hannah, (who lives in Aussieland) for her 21st birthday. From what I gather, from their sms is that they are having a whale of a time with booze, drink, booze, etc. Apparently, they have been waving the Swedish flag whilst out on a night of drinking.

Talking of the Swedish flag. . . was i not so sorry that we didn't manage to beat Sweden in the World Cup? I felt a bit better when I was told that we havn't beaten Sweden for over 38 years...! By the way...I wanted the frogs to win, maynly because i like Thierry Henry. He is a great player, even though I'm not an Arsenal supporter. at least we did a teeny weeny bit better than Mexico and Sweden in the end (for what it's worth).

What else has happened since my birthday? I have invited Tessa to visit in October. In Sweden October can be a funny month; bit of an early winter or maybe an late autumn??? Here in England October, of course means rain, but is it an Indian summer or is it early autumn? I must admit...I at this moment (as I sit here at 29 degrees C at 11.20 pm) I can't think of anything nicer than a bit of hearty British rain, together with the damp and cold that comes with it, ooooooh!

Anyway, I shall get off and make some tea.

14 June 2006


Today, I have been on holiday beause Chris took me to see the world-famous, Broadway Musical, Cats, which we are immensly lucky to have right here in Stoke for 3 weeks only. The tickets were an early birthday present, as he knew that I have always wanted to see Cats and I would never be able to watch it on Broadway.
I still have the original LP up in the loft but of course haven't been able to play it for years, but it all soon came back to me. It started off with a yard full of rubbish and scrap metal and then the lights went out and everything went black. Slowly dozens and dozens of pairs of cats eyes shone brightly in the rubbish and then loads of colourful strips of lights came on, flashing and chasing, just like Christmas lights. Then the music started and the cast came in.
It started with "the naming of cats", "the invitation to the Jellicle ball" and "the Gumbie cat" followed by "The Rum Tum Tugger", "Grizabella, the glamour cat" and "Bustopher Jones". Then it was time for "Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer" which of course we loved very much. Before the break we had "Old Deuteronomy", "The Jellicle ball" and "Memory".
The break was roughly about 20 minutes and was swiftly followed by "The moments of happiness" and "Gus: the theatre cat". The next session was quite unfamiliar to me so I think I might have the Broadway version on my LP. That was "Growltiger's last stand" and "Skimbleshanks". "Macavity" still had the same words from TS Eliots poem but the music was slightly different (I prefer the original version). The show finished with "Mr Mistoffelees", "Journey to the heaviside layer", "the ad-dressing of cats" and a most beautiful version of "Memory".
I bought myself a brochure for keepsake. It was one of the best birthday presents for a long time, thanks Chris,X

13 June 2006

New addition to the family!

Yes, first we had none and then we have one and now we have two. Meet our little girl, Rumpleteazer. She is 5 years old and we have had her since Sunday.

It's a complicated story... A friend of Lee and Pod's was asked to look after Rumpleteazer when the friends friend went on holiday for two weeks, she reluctantly agreed (as one does), but when her friend returned from holiday, she no longer wanted the cat back. Lee and Pod's friend was now lumbered with a cat that she didn't want in the first place and Lee and Pod could not have her because of Charlie (the parrot).

This is why we have her and I am so pleased. She is absolutely gorgeous, very friendly and affectionate and immensly well-behaved. She seems to have settled in so well but sadly we have to uproot her again on Friday, as we are going camping and need to take her with us. I'm sur she will soon settle again, and she may as well get used to the camping, right from the start.

06 June 2006

Mexico - Climate & Creatures

The only problem we had was the heat. The temperature was between 30 and 33 nearly all the time, even at night. We found that very difficult to cope with as we would prefer temperatures between 24 and 28. Even though we were so careful, using factor 25, etc, I still managed to get sunburned on a cloudy day. I didn't think the sun could be so strong that it would burn through the clouds, so I didn't use sun cream that day.
The last couple of days in Cancun was hard as we really had enough of the heat and tired of walking around, but at the same time we didn't want to waste any time, so we felt obligated to go out. Neither of us like to sun bathe or spend much time on the beach, so it meant either riding around on the bus or walking. Even though we had a shower 3 times every day, we still always felt wet and hot and itchy. There must have been a particularly vicious type of mosquito there as even Chris got bitten by them and normally they wont touch him.
On the last day, everyone else in the hostel were laughing at us because we wanted to get to the airport early, just so we can enjoy the air conditioning. To our disappointment, we found that it wasn't working when we got there. However, it was just as well that we had plenty of time as there was a lot of problems with check-in and potentially we could have missed the deadline for our flight.
Anyway, after an uneventful 10 hours we landed at Manchester the following day. Then we spent 17 hours sleeping of the jetlag. Was it all worth it in the end? No - good old Spain is what we are sticking with in the future, cheaper, cooler and less hassle but it was a good experience and we loved the food.

Mexico - Socialising

At night time we often spent a bit of time socialising with the other guests. These were from all over the world but we got particularly close to some Austrians, one who lived in Bali and another who lived in Florida; a French girl who lived there, training to work at the consulate; a couple of Canadian girls; a Mexican lad; a French lad and a girl from Costa Rica. It was really interesting to speak to these people as when we go away normally, we only get to see English people or "Spanglish" as they call themselves (meaning people who are English but live in Spain).


On our 10th anniversary we sailed across to a close-by island called Isla Muheres (the island of women), where we managed to get on a boat tour around the island. This also included snorkelling, which Chris participated in, but I didn't want to get my clothes wet, so I just watched and enjoyed the sun, sea and the quietness. It was a fantastic day, which was finished of with a Mexican meal at a lovely restaurant.

05 June 2006

Mexico - continued

The next few days was spent looking around the local area, just jumping on a bus to travel to the hotel zone, etc. We were amazed how cheap everything was. Of course we had to check out the beach and swim in the famous Caribbean sea, and yes, the water really is turquoise and the sand really is snow white.

Halfway through the holiday we took a trip to a place called Chichen Itza. Here they had ruins of pyramids dating back to AD900. The bus took 3 hours to get there and the same to get back, yet on the map it seemed like we've been nowhere.

04 June 2006

Mexico - Day One

We finally arrived in Cancun after a long (seemed to take forever) flight. It seemed funny that, although it should be around 7pm, the time was only 1pm in Cancun. We took a bus from the airport to the bus station and then walked the last bit to the hostel. We were quite pleased to find that, although the hostel was very basic, it was quite ok for what we paid.
We set about to explore the immediate area and bought some supplies. We soon noticed that the locals spoke very little English and the little Spanish that we spoke was not much use in Mexico as their Spanish was quite different. With the help of sign language and mobile phone pictures we did manage to get by though.

11 May 2006

First Aid for the First Aider

Yes, that's me, the qualified First Aider for our department only got myself in need of first aid. All 3 of us girls were emptying a house and crammed all the stuff in to the van. In order to get as much in as possible, I decided to literally kick a small unit into pieces.

This is something we all often do but today, I didn't notice a screw sticking out at the side of the unit, so consequently as I kicked the side of the unit, the opposite side bounced back on my leg and cut an approximately 10cm slash accross my shin. A great sight for wearing shorts on holiday!

One more day at work, can't wait. Tomorrow, Lisa and I have 9 property inspections to do tomorrow and then we are going to a barbecue for lunch. Sounds like a fairly easy "last" day at work.

04 May 2006

Twentysix degrees C

Yes, that's right, summer is here and it starts with a mini heat wave. I'm glad we are having a little taster of summer before we go away, a week on Tuesday. I had a look on the net for the weather in Cancun and found that it was 30 degC today and the weather is going to vary between 27 and 32 in the next few days.

We have now got more or less everything we need or might need. I bought a couple of money belts from Canada as we were adviced to use them in Mexico. I have also upgraded the suncream to factor 25 for the first few days and then we can (or at least me) go back to the factor 15 that we use in Spain.

I bought myself some more shorts and knee-highs, they were £3 each from Tesco, so I couldn't resist them. I also bought a khaki t-shirt, which I can use for work and that was only £1.75. What a bargain!

Last week we got the flight tickets, National Express tickets and the Pesos but I still haven't been able to get the travel insurance. I want ryanair, but there is something wrong with their site so that it isn't accepting payment. I have emailed them and hoping to get a reply soon.

Oooooh, it is getting really exciting now. I just wish I could find some decent photos. This is the best I could find.

02 May 2006

I'm back at College

Well nearly. . .! All PHA staff has to complete a 1year, City & Guild, level 3 course in Mental Health Awareness. Carol and I are in group B, so we will be attending every other week to Lisa and Jess who are doing the same course but are in group A.
It was our first proper all day lesson today, and wow, we are really worried about what we have got ourselves in for. It looks very complicated and comprehensive. There are 9 assignments to be completed by the end of the year and then there is a test which we must pass or else we need to take it again next year.
There is also an awful lot of homework to be done, so that will be interesting to see how it will fit in with my camping weekends. Luckily I have only planned one per month during summer or four in total, which includes the bank holiday weekend in August when we are going for nearly a week.
I shall keep you up-to-date.

05 April 2006

Spring is here!

The last few days have been glorious. We've had the odd April shower but most of the time it has been beautiful sunshine. All the daffodils are out and some people were already cutting the grass, which of course, we are in no hurry to start.

We have been invited to this year's first BBQ, a week on Friday, for Pod's birthday. That is definitely something to look forward to as the BBQ's (and indeed, all parties) at Lee & Pod's are sensational.

It isn't long now for our holiday, and it's getting very exciting. We had our jabs on Monday; I had only Hepatitis A and Typhoid but Chris had to have Tetanus too. With all the riding and contact with horses, etc; I have kept my tetanus injections up to date, anyway. Apparently, we have to have boosters in 6 months time.

After Mexico, I have already planned every camping trip for this year, which is roughly once a month until end of September, but almost a week in August. After all, it is what we are working for, isn't it?

Here is a piccie from last summer. We took Macavity with us.

The other day we also booked next year's main holiday (in May again) but to the Isle of Man this time. We found out that in 2007 the TT is 100 years old and is having an extra special celebration. We have booked to go for nearly 3 weeks, which includes both practice week and race week plus a few days either side. Chris is already getting extremely excited about it and already planning what we are going to do and we haven't even been to Mexico yet.

13 March 2006

A day out at IKEA

Today all three of us Development Assistants got a treat. We were sent to IKEA in Warrington to get some shelving for the Finance Department and some units for the Women's Project.

Due to the size of the stuff, we took our, much hated, horrible, white van, which fortunately seats three. Carol drove, on the motorway, for the second time in her life, and got really brave. She ventured into the middle lane and we all said she will be dashing up the motorway all the time now.

We had lunch in the restaurant and I introduced the girls to (supposedly) Swedish meatballs and salad. The meatballs were disappointing as they tasted of sausage meat and were quite yucky really. I was embarrased as I knew that they aren't suppose to taste like that.

Eventually, we did all our purchases for work and I bought a few little bargains for myself as well; a couple of tins of potpurri for 20p, a cookbook stand for 50p and some parcel wrap for 80p. We also came back armed with new catalogues.

On the way back we stopped at Freeport as Lisa needs a new coat, but she didn't find one she liked. However, I dropped on a bargain; there was a 1/2 hour half-price sale on, which included already reduced items. I bought some jeans that were reduced down to £3 for just £1.50. Incredible!!!

All in all, a great day had by us all. Now we got to look forward to putting all that shelving up..., never mind, can't have just the good, without the bad.

24 February 2006

Hurrah, we have snow!

This morning we woke up to snow. Allbeit, just 2 mm instead of the 2cm that I'd hoped for but it's a step in the right direction. It carried on sleeting for the most of the morning 'til at least lunchtime, when it started raining

It's a memorable date: 23 February 2006 (Bill Cope's Birthday) the first snow of 2006 and hopefully not the last.

17 February 2006

Where is the winter?

Wonder what is happening with the weather??? In Moscow it has been around -24 degrees, in America it has snowed in Virginia, but what is happening here? We still haven't had any snow this year yet, although we did have some frost at the beginning of the month.

Now have spring weather; the temperatures are around 8 - 12 degrees, sunny & bright. The nature is thinking it is spring, as today I have seen some flies and we have already had crocuses & daffodils come up as well as big furry balls on the pussy willow. None of this should happen for another 6 weeks yet.

Is shan't pack away the winter clothes yet, though, because there is still hope for some more winter weather yet. I had a look at the website for Falun and found it was fantastic. A real winter wonderland. They showed a photo taken in the dark but the town was lit up and everywhere was covered in snow. Beautiful! Maybe I ought to copy the picture for this year's Christmas cards?

It is lovely to drive home from work and it still light. Next month, when the hour goes back, it will be light until 8pm, I can't wait. It is lovely to drive home from work and it still light. Next month, when the hour goes back, it will be light until 8pm, I can't wait.

05 February 2006


This is just a short update on the various things that have been going on.

1. Mongo is now eating inside the cat box and has no problem with it, even if the door is shut. He has also started sleeping in his cot, which is a big step because he hated it at first. However, he is still very nervous about all noises and any sudden movements and especially people coming into the room.

2. My ear infection has now completely healed and I have no problems with them at the moment, we’ll see how long it lasts.

3. The Craftmatic didn’t sell in the end, mostly because there was another one for sale, which finished a few hours later, that one did sell for the amount that we wanted for ours, so it is a matter of getting it on at the right time. The sale cost nearly £5, so I am going to have to leave it now until next month.

4. Chris did manage to get Iconoclast on the road on Friday, just in time for his rally. It failed the MOT last Saturday on sprockets and chain, but he managed to get that fixed on Thursday and then re-took the MOT and all was OK. He went camping on Friday and, apparently, he slept well despite of the cold. It was around 0 degrees on Friday, but last night it was quite a lot warmer.

5. I have done all the shopping for my void and now I have the best bit left, putting it all together and make the flat look nice for the next tenant.

27 January 2006

Voids are Exiting

This week I have been working on a void (vacant flat) that requires absolutely everything. That is really fun, because I could do a complete clearout, clean up and whilst it’s being decorated I can go shopping.

I need to buy all furniture, carpets, curtains, cushions, bedding, kitchen appliances, kitchen utensils, crockery, glasses, lamps and rugs. I love this part of the job and when I can get everything new it’s more fun than having to decide what to keep and what to replace.

When the decorators have finished, I will have the new carpets fitted and the furniture delivered. I can then start putting up curtain poles with curtains & nets, pictures, mirror, bathroom fittings and open all the boxes with bits and pieces.

I always iron the bedding and make everywhere look homely, then I take photos and after that I do a formal handover with the project whose flat it is. They can then show new tenants around whilst I move on to the next property. Fabulous!

Here is some piccies from a previous void.

26 January 2006

Ear Infection

I have been home from work today. Have had some trouble with my ears for a while now, but last night it got a lot worse. I couldn't sleep much at all for the excruciating pain. Went to the doctors this morning and was told that it was indeed a bad bout of ear infection. She gave me a prescription for anti-biotics as well as a spray to use directly in the ear. I have had two of the capsules and one lot of spray and already they seem slightly better. I shall go back to work tomorrow.

Chris is getting his bike (Iconoclast) on the road this week-end ready for his camping weekend, first week in February. Apparently, he is going with Danny, Amo and some other lads. Camping in February is the last thing on my mind, so I am not going. Might go out for a drink with the girls or something, we’ll see.

I finally managed to put the Craftmatic bed on eBay and there is already one bid, five watches and 53 visits on it. Looks promising that it might actually go. It will be nice to sort out the conservatory for summer. We are thinking of getting a sofa bed instead, which would be far more useful. The piccie shows a style that we both like.

23 January 2006

Progress or not???

Poor Mungo Jerrie, he has been quite traumatised in the past. He is like a nervous wreck. if someone touches him; he jumps a mile and sometimes when one walks in the room he runs away.

I think progress is going to be slow with him, and I do believe he is slightly calmer than he used to be a couple of weeks ago.

He is not yet going out, however, we are training him in anticipacion, by pushing him through the cat flap. It surprised me how easily he goes through and I wonder if he perhaps has used one in the past.

We have also introduced the cat box in to the room. At first we kept it open in two halves, so that he wouldn't recognise what it is and, yesterday, I put it together without the door. Mungo has walked right past it and doesn't appear to mind. Sadly, some time soon he will need to be put in it so that we can get him to the vets for his flea & worm treatments, but for the time being we are leaving him alone.

15 January 2006

Mungo Jerrie

We have had a new addition to the family. Meet Mungo Jerrie (from Cats the Musical), a 3-6 year old, neutered male. His background is not known as he came to the rescue centre 3 months ago, very frightened and not liking people or other cats very much.

He was named Spit by his foster mum as he was always spitting and hissing and everyone. She gradually tamed him into the mellow softie as he is now. Unfortunately, about a month ago, he almost died. He somehow managed to contract cat flu and had to be drip fed every couple of hours. He now appears to be fully recovered.

His ordeal has not suppressed his appetite, though as he his a very big boy and does like his food a lot. He loves salmon in jelly but likes most foods almost as much.

He can be quite mardy at times and wanting to be fussed, yet suddenly become very grumpy and aggressive. I don’t know if that is something to do with his past, but I suppose we have to learn to live with it.

He is not particularly playful, however, he is immensely sweet & friendly and could quite happily sit on your lap all day long, as long as you don’t tickle his feet.

So far he has not been in the slightest bit interested in sleeping in Macavity’s cot but just wants to sleep with us in our bed. He is the smallest out of us but he takes up most of the room, by lying sideways or diagonally across the bed.

We are training him to use a harness so that we can take him camping in summer, just like we used to do with Macavity. However, this is going to be a slow task as at the moment he is terrified of the cat box and we will need him to go in and stay there happily for this to work. I shall keep you updated on this progress.