05 February 2006


This is just a short update on the various things that have been going on.

1. Mongo is now eating inside the cat box and has no problem with it, even if the door is shut. He has also started sleeping in his cot, which is a big step because he hated it at first. However, he is still very nervous about all noises and any sudden movements and especially people coming into the room.

2. My ear infection has now completely healed and I have no problems with them at the moment, we’ll see how long it lasts.

3. The Craftmatic didn’t sell in the end, mostly because there was another one for sale, which finished a few hours later, that one did sell for the amount that we wanted for ours, so it is a matter of getting it on at the right time. The sale cost nearly £5, so I am going to have to leave it now until next month.

4. Chris did manage to get Iconoclast on the road on Friday, just in time for his rally. It failed the MOT last Saturday on sprockets and chain, but he managed to get that fixed on Thursday and then re-took the MOT and all was OK. He went camping on Friday and, apparently, he slept well despite of the cold. It was around 0 degrees on Friday, but last night it was quite a lot warmer.

5. I have done all the shopping for my void and now I have the best bit left, putting it all together and make the flat look nice for the next tenant.

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